Welcome To PuppyLuv Listings

Guess Who Has Their Own Fanlistings Now?

Yep, me! PuppyLuv! Aka Bug! All of these are currently works in progress while I get the landings coded and forms up, but hopefully those will be live soon! If you're new to fanlistings, they're just lists of fans of a thing, it's that simple! There are a ton out there, but I couldn't find some for the things I like, so I made them myself! So, consider this my fansite collective! If you want to see the ones I've joined, though, use the link in the nav bar!

The Last Listing I Joined Was: Part of Your World on 04.28.2024

The Last Listing I Published Was: Lil Angels! on 04.28.2024

This layout (and those for my listings) were heavily inspired by Foggy Listings, but I tried to put my own spin on it!

My listings are currently hosted on: smooth sailingthefanlistings.org

PuppyLuv Listings is affiliated with: Nobody Yet! Use 'contact' in the nav to email me about becomming affiliates!